HTML and WordPress Templates: What's the Difference?

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HTML and WordPress Templates: What's the Difference?

You can buy website templates for both WordPress and HTML online, but what do I choose and why? Let's go through the differences and benefits of both versions.

HTML and WordPress

Let's start with the basics; what is WordPress and HTML?

What is WordPress?

WordPress is a very popular Content Management System (CMS) that is free of charge to use on your own web hosting. You can use the WordPress CMS to build websites and write blog posts without knowing how to code HTML. WordPress generates HTML to show your website visitors.

What is HTML?

HTML is the code that builds the website itself, regardless of the CMS "behind" the website. The abbreviation "HTML" stands for HyperText Markup Language and is a tag based programming language.

What is a CMS?

The CMS abbreviation stands for Content Management System, and that is the system that allows you to manage the content (blog posts, structure, informational pages, contact pages, etc) on your website. The most popular CMS is WordPress, but there are also plenty of other options available, such as Joomla.

Website Templates

A website template is a pre-made product that you can add to your hosting service in order to make a website look a certain way. A HTML template differs greatly from a WordPress template, and here's why.

HTML Template

The HTML template is the raw code with basically no functionality in of itself. It does not give you a way to publish articles and it can't show custom information until you modify the code to make it happen.

The main benefits of HTML templates are:

  1. The ability to customize it and suit your own needs perfectly. This doesn't come without work, since you have to do it manually.
  2. Another benefit of HTML templates is the fact that they're much cheaper than WordPress templates (since you have to adapt them to your hosting manually)

WordPress Template

A WordPress Template, on the other hand, is a complete product that is ready to use on your WordPress install. You need WordPress to use this template, and you also need to build your website according to the manual provided with your WordPress template. It's harder to customize a template that is already built for WordPress, but the great benefit of buying a more expensive WordPress template is that you get a complete solution right away.


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